40 Hours Devotion and Lenten Retreat

40 Hours Devotion and Lenten Retreat

Make plans to attend our Parish Lenten Retreat each weeknight Monday, March 7 — Thursday, March 10 beginning at 7pm in the church

In Saint John Paul II’s words: “The church needs to bring Jesus close to the people, making Him known to them and ensuring that the grace that flows from His pierced side as a source of living water reaches the hearts that thirst for the glory of the kingdom of heaven.” (2003)

“Lent invites us to make a special commitment to the process of spiritual growth.” (From his Angelus Address on February 29, 2004, First Sunday of Lent)

Therefore, St. Mary’s invites all the people to our Adoration during Lent as part of the special 40 Hours of Devotion to our Eucharistic Lord.

Please prayerfully consider signing up to come to Adore Him.

Please sign up here:


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