From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
“When I am lifted up, then you will know that I AM.” With these words Jesus clearly spoke to those who denied his divinity, and his being the messiah.
Lifted up? He is lifted up in mystery on Holy Thursday at the first Mass. He is lifted up in history on Good Friday on the Cross. He is lifted up in glory on Easter Sunday in the resurrection. This is why we speak of the paschal mystery as the offering of the unblemished lamb encompassing the entirety of the triduum beginning Holy Thursday night and through Easter Sunday. In these celebrations, we are celebrating the mystery that makes us what we are: sons and daughters of the Father. Do you want to know who He is and therefore who you are? Then look at Him when He is lifted up in mystery, history, and glory.
I can’t exhort you too firmly to attend the liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. To that end, we are offering all of these liturgies in the Expo Center. If you haven’t been able to get out, and are only recently vaccinated, consider making a retreat of the weekend. Spend these days with Jesus, and you will know Him better.
So many folks have “use or lose vacation days” at the end of every year. Why not consider giving a couple of those to Jesus by taking off a few Holy Days to spend with Him in prayer?
The only thing happening in the church during the tridum, will be adoration on Holy Thursday (12 mignight to 10am, 12 noon to 6pm, and approximately 9:30pm to midnight). All other prayers will be in the Expo Center. The church will be locked on Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday, so that people who come might not be confused and sitting in church waiting for Masses.
Finally, confessions this week in the PLC available at 11:30am and 6:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week. Your parish priests will be serving up big helpings of Jesus’ mercy. Those who are really observant may note that the 12:30pm confessions don’t appear in the calendar we have been publishing all Lent. Yep, they are your bonus for reading this column! Lines always get longer all week, so have mercy on your parish priests and get there Monday!
There will be limited availability of confessions at the Expo Center 12 noon to 2pm on Good Friday, but we are sometimes unable to hear all of the confessions before having to begin the Veneration of the Cross liturgy. Please do not wait till Good Friday as we may not have time to hear your confession.
Fr. Mosimann