From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Had a conversation with my sister on Thanksgiving regarding “digging for gold.” This compelled me to research a bit on how to dig for gold. Interesting.
If you are prospecting for gold, you have to learn to ignore all the dirt and look for the shine of the gold. This requires patient sifting. As you sift, the gold goes to the bottom of the pan, by using water to wash over the pan and carry away the lighter dirt.
In our relations with others, we can learn to do the same: ignore the dirt, let grace wash and carry away the grime of sin that is preventing us from seeing the other person in the bright light of the Lord. Grace is the precious matter that will remain when the Lord sifts sin out of our lives.
We all do well to dig for gold in the souls of others, so that we might see the work the Lord is doing in their lives. Also, so that we might know that all is a gift and precious.
Additionally, I want to commend Catholic Charities Migration & Refugee Services for the lovely work that they have done in welcoming refugees. Most of these families are from Afghanistan, and risked their lives and families to help our efforts there over the last 20 years. Thanks for your generosity in helping to provide Thanksgiving meals for these families. See the pictures here in the bulletin.