From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
For those who are numbers conscious, on page 11 you will find the financial report for the fiscal year which ended last summer. It got bumped from a number of bulletins in the fall, and I lost track of making sure it got in here. Bottom line is we are in a good spot. We show a net deficit at the church, but that it because we purchased the St. Jospeh House! So yes, the parish is in good financial health!
Also, both our parish and the diocese have themes this year directed to stirring up the ardor of our love for the Holy Eucharist. To that end, every parish in the diocese is putting on a forty hours devotion. St. Mary’s will be hosting an extra solemn 40 Hours of Devotion March 7th to 9th, and leading right into our weekly adoration hours! The specific program for this in being finalized, but we are excited to be able to increase our “Hunger and Thirst for Him!”
Hope you have a beautiful weekend, I write to you from the mountains of Colorado! Thanks for your support of today’s Souper Bowl donations!
Pax et Bonum,
Fr. John Mosimann