From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Four weeks from today it will be Palm Sunday. Every year I know folks who work for the feds and have leftover leave that they lose. How are those thoughts connected? I am going to propose that you tithe your vacation to Jesus.
This past week we had our Parish 40 Hours and Lenten Retreat with reflections focusing on home, family life, and the Eucharist. One of the speakers asked us to rank our priorities in life and to compare them to our calendars. Ouch.
So my proposal is that you clear your calendar and take off Holy Week from your job! Put in your request for vacation leave right now! Then take a look at the Holy Week schedule which is inserted in the bulletin this week. Put it up on your fridge and get ready for a great week. Maybe you can’t take off a whole week; then take of Wed-Friday. You can make it your own personal retreat with the myriad of liturgies that we have, some extra napping, and even exercise. I guarantee that your understanding / appreciation of Easter will only be increased by celebrating the many liturgies of the week.
We call this week Holy. The original root meaning of holy, is “consecrated and set apart for God.” How will you set apart Holy Week for Him?
On another note, with regard to confessions, we are moving the confessions back into the church. Fr. Koehr will be at a makeshift confessional in the cry room (unless one of the other priests is away, and he will take their spot in the standard confessionals).
Pax et Bonum,
Father John Mosimann