Dear Folks,
In preparation for the 2023 Synod of Bishops in Rome, the Supreme Pontiff Pope Francis has asked every local Church to undertake their own synodal phase, of prayerful listening, dialogue, and discernment, on how the Church is journeying together and fulfilling our mission in the world.
In obedience to this request, I am happy to announce that our parish synodal listening session will take place on Monday March 28th @6:00 pm in the Church. I expect that it may run for 90 minutes, but that depends on your interest in being heard.
Also, this weekend you will find in the church cards at the back which invite you to pray and sacrifice for a friend, family member, or neighbor who has discontinued practicing the Catholic Faith. I have also included the card on this page. You may drop these cards into the collection baskets, and we will place them near the tabernacle as a sign of your prayers being placed before the Lord.
Both of these opportunities are beautiful occasions for us to be able to invite folks back to loving union with our Lord. Your prayers, sacrifices, and invitations may be the grace that helps a soul come home!
Pax et Bonum,
Father John Mosimann