From Our Pastor
Dear Folks:
Happy Easter! Christ is Risen! This is the primordial truth of the universe. Everything we are, celebrate, and profess comes from this feast of the suffering, death and resurrection of Our Lord. By faith, we know that we are eagerly striving for that day when we too will share in His life-giving resurrection and His triumph over death.
This past Tuesday, I was struck by the Gospel reading that Jesus told John who would betray Him. My first prayerful reflection was that, perhaps, He was allowing Himself the consolation of having someone know in advance, to have someone help carry His burden. It absolutely helps us to have folks at our side, walking with us to Calvary. Yes….. but….then as I was lifting the Lord at the elevation of the Mass, this thought resounded through my mind with forcefulness: maybe it was for John so that his faith may be strengthened at the foot of the cross, to know and believe that Jesus was in absolute command of every detail. Nobody took His life, He laid it down freely. And John would be His witness to the ends of the earth that He absolutely knew and even loved the one who betrayed Him.