From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Let me tell a story of the first time I gave Holy Communion to a special needs child. Or more rightly I should say special needs adult, but one whose needs meant that physically he was small in stature, confined to bed, and unable to communicate in a way that I could understand.

I was in my last year of seminary, serving as a Deacon in a West Philly parish. The pastor said to me, “take this mother and her son communion. He is special needs, and he won’t be able to communicate, but I want you to give them both communion.” So I went. And I was nervous. But what about his ability to understand the Holy Eucharist? How will this be reverent? Can I give Holy Communion like this?

And I only remember one specific thing about that communion visit: the face of the young man lit up like a spotlight when I held up the Host to offer Holy Communion. All the ways I expected to measure were melted in the radiance of that face. He was so happy…. no, happiness is in the emotions. It was uncomplicated joy that shone forth from his soul reflecting the glory of God.

I remember thinking, “who am I to say that his understanding of the Eucharist is more deficient than mine?” And I filed away the lesson to learn to see beyond the surface. Thus when folks with children with special needs ask me about their children receiving Our Lord, I say, “why not!” Infants can receive at baptism, and Our Lord has love for all of his children. Let the children come unto Him.

Recently we celebrated Mass with sacraments for students in our SPRED program, as described in the bulletin this week. This is religious ed for special needs sons and daughters of Our Lord! It was a joyful Mass, and one that I am proud of the welcome that has been extended by our parish, and, I am proud to say that they are our brothers and sisters in Christ.


Father John Mosimann

July 10, 2022
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