From Our Pastor
Dear folks,
With the snow days this week, it had me reflecting on how often there is a post-Christmas wave of colds and coughs! I think that the pandemic helped, in so far as we have heightened awareness of washing hands and good health hygiene.
I also think that it has given folks greater freedom to say, “I’ m sick, I can ’t come to work today.” When you are under the weather, it is an act of charity to stay home, rest and recover. Your priests and pew neighbors thank you for being prudent!
I had a nightmare experience helping at a penance service 15+ years ago, just days before Christmas. During the prayer service, the priest next to me was very ill, constantly coughing and wheezing. When it came time for the sign of peace, he embraced me and grabbed my hands! As soon as it ended, I sprinted to the bathroom to scrub down, and made sure not to touch my face or rub my eyes! Thankfully I avoided catching the plague! But I recall sitting there with dread of the possible infection, and wishing he had sat elsewhere!
I remind you that Catholic law already allows for missing Sunday Mass because of health reasons or caring for those with health reasons. Moreover, I find the folks who most worry about this, are the very ones who least NEED to worry!! Only those who want to come to Mass worry about not making Sunday Mass! If you feel bad about being sick or missing Mass, thank Jesus!! You couldn’t miss Him, if He weren’t giving you the grace and desire to know and be with Him!
Folks, be wise, be prudent, be calm, trust in Jesus, and wash your hands. He foresees everything. And He promises to bring good from all things for those who love Him, even when we catch a cold.
Oh, and the St. Blaise blessing will be here in a couple of weeks, just in case!
Father John Mosimann