From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

The National March for Life is coming this Friday to Washington DC.  We have 4 busses going.  Wonderful. But also insufficient.

Next month, on February 13th we will have our Virginia March for life in Richmond, and would again like to organize folks to go.  This coming year may be particularly dispiriting for people of good will in Virginia.  Last falls elections have left our state legislature in the hands of a political majority who have promised to undermine the sanctity of life.  Of course they don’t speak that way, but make no mistake, that is what they want to accomplish.

This weekend we have the Virginia Catholic Conference (VCC) here to speak and offer you the opportunity to be informed about the workings in Richmond that will directly impact the safety of unborn children.

As one of our parish lawyers told me this week, “expect many votes this session to be scheduled at the last minute and at times that are difficult for people to get there and speak up.  This is a known and effective tactic to push through radical legislation.”

The VCC mail lists are a means of keeping you informed, so that we can speak up in defense of those who can not defend themselves.

Who among us thinks we would have been the ones sticking our necks out for change in Nazi Germany?  We are not 1930’s Germans, but we are 2020’s Virginians.  Speaking up will not cost us our lives.  It may cost a few drives to Richmond, status on social media, friendships or even our jobs.

May the Lord give us wisdom to see what to do, and courage to do it.

fr mosimann

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