From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
This week I would like to invite you to virtually attend a parish evening of reflection on our parish theme for the year: “Love One Another.” With all that has been 2020, and after consulting with the Stewardship Committee, we settled on this theme for obvious reasons. Yes, we need to listen to each other. Yes, we need to better understand one another. But listening and understanding are themselves not enough. We must heed our Lord’s words to “love one another, as I have loved you.”
For several years now, we have annually held a dinner for the leadership of parish ministries, another dinner for volunteers, and a rousing parish life weekend. The reality of 2020 is that we will not be able to do those things in the manner we have previously. However, our parish and school staffs had a lovely day of recollection to begin the school year, and several said to me, “I am so blessed to have had this opportunity for prayer together.” We would like to share that opportunity with the whole parish.
Thus, please mark your calendar for 7pm Monday September 28th. We will have an evening of recollection that we will stream on our parish facebook page. Some parish leaders will be coming in person, and parishioners are invited to join virtually. God will bring good from all things for those who love him. I pray that this will be yet another way that God will bring good for us in the coming year. God is undefeated, not even by 2020.
Pax et bonum,
Father John Mosimann